Saturday, February 9, 2013

You let me in. More than propriety dictates (too much, too soon); less than I'd like (I'm greedy). You trusted me with something and I find myself treasuring each little piece of you I get to discover, each interaction, every word saved so that I may review them when something else claims your attention and I am alone with your memory and maybe your scent(I like to keep your shirts and you like to let me).
I'm confused; you have set boundaries, lines in the sand , and I want to cross them. I won't, but I feel my need.
 It is so very rare and difficult for me to allow anyone to get into my space, to get close, yet you I want to pull in.
 I want to share everything about me with you, I want you to know me completely and wholly  just as I want to dive into you and KNOW everything there is about you. I am amazed by you.
 I want to know I'm not alone in this electrifying explosion of feelings.
 I want you in my life. I want to be part of yours. I feel insane at times...... Crazy because I've been thinking and wishing for things that I can't possibly comprehend - things that don't make sense in my world of anger and pain. Things that absolutely frighten the hell out of me.
 I can't fall in love, I'm too old.
 I'm too far.
 I just met you.
 I'm not straight.
I'm not right.
 I'm not good.
I'm not emotionally available......
 And yet; there is something so right about the way I feel,and when you say to me, "Come"  I...I do.
 I think that's the part that scares me the most. My lack of inhibition , my overabundance of emotion , I am open.
In the latter twenty I have not been brave about anything. My life has been spent running from, never to ; Hiding my eyes, my feelings my tenderheartedness....